Become a Weddiness Partner!

Register today and start earning money recommending the best and most functional on-line service for young couples!

A Weddiness Partner can be anyone who would like to recommend using Weddiness gift list to one's clients, family or friends - all the young couples who are looking for an efficient way to organize your list of wedding gifts!

Registering as a Partner and recommending weddiness you get:

• 10 EUR for every happy couple that bought gift registry Activation! (10 EUR is a promotional commision valid until 30.06.2013)

How does it work? It's easy and profitable to everyone! When a young couple buys a subscription, they type your partner e-mail. You will receive € 5 from each subscription, and the young couple - a discount on their subscription

The commision can be paid out each time the Partner collects at least 20 EUR.

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